Tuesday, March 13, 2007

point proved

Due to the elections, I forced myself to keep most of my angst within me. Now that I have lost, I really don't have a reason to keep any of my this fucking feeling inside my goddamned chest. Fuck you world. Thus this dedication to my so-called "friends"

to all those who i listened to but never listened back

to all those who i gave my life to but never appreciated it

to all those who i helped and never even gave me a simple thank you

to everyone who has abandoned me

to everyone who has rejected me

to everyone who only drove me to depression

to everyone who hurt me

to everyone who insulted me

to everyone who has forsaken me

to everyone who never showed me any respect

to everyone who gave me hope just to kill my heart in the end

to those who i called friends but left me when i needed them the most

to my friends in need only when they needed me

to those who had the said they understood me when they never did

to those who told me i misunderstood the world when i was just being real

to everyone who gave me words of wisdom when i proved myself to be the wiser

to those i loved with all my being but left me hanging in belief just so i can hurt more in wait and hurt the same in rejection

to everyone

may you all burn in hell. My only regret would be my own inability to take you there myself


At 12:33 AM, May 09, 2007, Blogger scrawler said...



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