Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Back to school...back to my dorm bed...back to a bunch of other stuff. Though the vacation was short, it was enjoyable at the very least. Below are some of the more significant things I did.

After tripling my usual meals. I have finally gained a whopping 1KG! Unberibwaboru! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! (yes...i am pathetic)

Spent over 60 hours playing Radiata Stories. The game is about Jack Russel, a 16-year old boy who dreams about becoming a famous knight like his late father. He lived a happy life as a mercenary (after being kicked out from the knights) until the day his friend (and apparently beloved) Ridley gets possessed by the spirit of an ancient elf. Thus he has to make a choice between living his dreams, saving humanity and becoming all famous OR protecting the girl, having to fight all those he once considered as friends for the sake of his love.

Spent less than 60 hours making movies with the Lionhead Game: The Movies (for the PC). Realized that I am not as disturbed with Lesbians than I am with Gays. Realized I love making money off other people's efforts. (Maybe i should become a movie star manager)

Spent a lot of time doing Skousen problems (accounting is never truly forgotten for too long)

Watched Chicken Little. It was short, and...short.

Watched (listened to...it's hard to watch a movie while playing PC games at the same time) Notting Hill for the third time. Classic!

Went out of the house 3 times. First involved light Christmas Shopping, buying pizza and being mistaked for a girl. Second involved lunch, mom's birthday and getting mistaked for a girl. Third involved going to Pampanga, never returning to Baguio, and getting mistaked for a girl. (...life...)

Felt like I lost something important. Tried to ignore it, but the feeling is still there. Did a lot of reflection over the break over this, but to no avail. Tried, considered, can't...not when things are happening as they are. Life is that simple, i guess.

Greeted people Merry Christmas. The one person you truly want to hear from ignores you...completely.

Got worried over things, the usual.

Greeted people a happy new year after resolving to just reply to those who text me first. (willpower zero). Face it, am hopeless. Tried to miss call someone 9 seconds after ABS-CBN announced the new year, failed. Tried with someone else...*sh*t it connected*. To the involved sorry, didn't mean anything with that. Realized a feeling, waiting for someone to text, seeing the message came from someone else, get disappointed. She must have felt the same.

Watched Dodgeball. If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball!

After reflecting figured out things I want to do, but will probably never do!
-become a farmer in Hokkaido. (did i spell that right? mooooo!)
-live as a buddhist monk in the himalayas (solitude)
-be a book-owner in london (all the books, and the double-deck buses, and the rain)
-have a family (life is painful, a family is painful, pain is the epitaph of learning...now if only i can convince myself that what i just said is true)
-be a manager of a movie star (cash from another's stupidity and effort)
-be a games tester for a leading video game company (love and money in one)


At 7:31 PM, January 03, 2006, Blogger zelina said...

your vacation sounds fun. am happy for thee.

and, if not for my (known) faulty vision, i would be credible to affirm your weight gain. hoohah!

welcome back, vincent!:)

At 12:48 AM, January 04, 2006, Blogger vincent said...

...we have different definitions of "fun" i guess...:)


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