strange things you find in the internet while listening to urbandub (for the first time)
although i doubt anyone who reads my blog would appreciate it,

Which Naruto Character Are You?
Test by naruto -
the blog after the blog after the other. just something else to do whenever i have something to review
although i doubt anyone who reads my blog would appreciate it,
today all about being a burden. no matter how much you try to be useful, as long as you're born in the gemini zodiac and your parents gave you initals EVL, you'll end up becoming a curse to all the people you've been trying to be a blessing to. no matter how much you try to lighten loads or make lives more comfortable, you'll end up being the cross they have to carry...the cement wings on their shoulders...the shadow that suddenly gains weight...why is it that the people i don't care about gets the best from me while the people i care for end up having to put up with my worst performance... how can i make people i don't care about feel good about themselves and end up hurting those i hold dear... maybe God enjoys making me hope and making me care for things just to have the joy of turning them into the stakes that pierce my dark, corrupted heart. (simon belmont must die!)
some strange thoughts while walking a while ago... Jose Rizal wrote several poems and stuff about the love for country, and how it can transcend all the other loves (as he said in Amor Patrio), even greater for a woman's love for her child... and how even the death of someone we love will eventually be forgotten (or at least be reduced to something that isn't of much imporantance). so it got me there anything i have right now that is far more important than anything else? something that i can never afford to loose? maybe i don't...
the line above is from Bambi's forum signature. i have no idea what it means, but it kinda makes me think...we never really knew each other that well even if we thought we are "friends."
this morning, while I was [trying to] study for my NAT SCI 1 exam, my summer roommate (the one who is currently being followed by spirits and thus the cause of our room's "special" aura) played a song. At first I thought he was just being an [censored]but when i recognized the lyrics it was the song used for a flash movie that became the beginning of my internet search for flash.
in my search for a dose of gothic bloody entertainment (it's one of those days that i enjoy watching ANIMATED blood and gore), i found a genius squirrel.
...have a report for PI 100 tomorrow... only half done with the realizing process... reality sucks... I guess all the cancelled appointments were in vain. spent most of the 3 day vacation bumming in front of my PC doing bum stuff instead of PI 100 stuff. Oh well, at least this part of life is almost over.