Wednesday, August 31, 2005

and i blogged again

after having a week of no internet, yakal's wap-thingy is fixed and our network is back online.... it's not actually the lightspeed connection we had before, bur at least it's available.

although there was little to miss i guess, not like i had anything important to download or check, i guess still...

what could have happened in a week...

[blog check...okay...maraming nangyari]

[mail check...153 new mail....nice]

[handouts...2 lang naman]

[*t 8 missed episodes...bukas ko na lang habulin]

[virus definitions...1 priority update, around 2000 new signatures, new build]

anyway, JPIA hellweek is coming up... something to look forward to.

conclusion: God may still have a heart somewhere...

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

to anonymous:

thanks for making me realize something.

for reasons that only a few will understand, all links to other blogs have been removed from all my blogs

Monday, August 22, 2005

To God:

you win, i give up. :)

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

it doesn't have to have a point

after accounting exams, the usual depression...quasi...not the worst after exam feeling ever, but it still sucks...

anyway, just watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory... it was actually enjoyable. Compared to other supposedly kiddie shows such as The Polar Express, and Madagascar, Charlie was a breakthrough. Maybe i'm giving something that is about a chocolate factory that doesn't have much of a point too much compliment, but do things really need a point to be fun?

Life is becoming too objective, maybe i should slow down everything and just take a breather. STOP, Take a deep breath, and DON't PANIC.


Today's thought:
We have to give up on things we want for things that are more important. (God, let it not be accounting)

Monday, August 15, 2005


...taking a moment from 114.1 to just post...

sheepish, as puts is :

Audio pronunciation of "sheepish" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (shpsh)
  1. Embarrassed, as by consciousness of a fault: a sheepish grin.
  2. Meek or stupid.

sheepish·ly adv.
sheepish·ness n.

(copy-paste infringement)


(momentary sheepishness)

anyway, to the french girl, hope you're feeling better. (it sucks having only words when words are simply not enough...but at least i tried, i guess)

and never feel sorry for things that you cannot help. Not your fault if you have zer0 resistance to cold weather.

and ismayl

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Lost Focus

Why the hell can't i review!!!!

It sucks! I'm supposed ot be interested in accounting, so why can't i force myself to review it!!! I already failed 1 exam, can't afford any more failures! Must review... must not turn on PC for a while, i guess...

Today, i also realized how sometimes people know you so well, but when you think about hardly know the other person... (remind me again, who was supposed to be interested in who?) Am I that absent-minded that i cannot even keep in mind the most important people in my life?

I think i need a long vacation from everything...but for now, i can't leave accounting alone... (dunno why, i just feel like it would be the biggest mistake i will ever make...)

debits will always have credits

Friday, August 12, 2005

Money never smelled so bitter.

I am running low on funds...and the demand for what i am spending on is not getting any smaller. life was so easy when there was no need to budget anything. Accounting has given me enough problems on cash, now life is doing what accounting does best...making me feel depressed. How can I lose something I love (or claim to love) so much in exchange for the whatnots i get for it? Poor wallet is as empty as my mind (and stomach for that matter) right now....

Notice the bottom of this blog. Placed something i call "Of the moment..." It's kinda like the thing i had in kalai, only this time i just place something instead of defining a word or putting up a quote. Whatever is placed there is most probably the most prominent though i'm having until a certain period.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

A Recipe You Shouldn't Try 2 (to those who think i am nice, do not read)

4 cups pure anger
1/4 teaspoon guilt
1 pinch euphoria
3 teaspoons sadness
2 cups sympathy
1 gallon malice
just enough love
a whole lot of hatred

To cook:
Put everything in a big enough bowl, mix

Whatever I am feeling right now. To the people who made me feel this way:
1.) Sorry, wish I could make you feel better.
2.) Please, just die. Life would simply be so much better without you. (i doubt you'll ever see this message) (i pity those who cry at your funeral)
3.) Thanks for the moments.

Monday, August 08, 2005

kittens from hell

to the people who have seen my old blog (the friendster), remember my post about skinning cats? well, today i saw 2 kittens, who didn't have any fur... i think God has this thing on making me realize things i never wanted to know, or maybe he takes pleasure in my revelations....

the kittens were weird...they were pink and not furry...the weirder thing was they were of competent size and were almost healthy...only they were pink...and not furry...

anyway, nothing to complain about. thanks for the unique-but-rather-not-see-it-ever-again experience GOD! :)

we have moved further...

ei, i have moved to another blog again (after toying with a certain provider for 5 minutes ang getting disappointed, i decided to just go with what most other are using and make a blogger/blogspot account. :)