Monday, August 08, 2005

kittens from hell

to the people who have seen my old blog (the friendster), remember my post about skinning cats? well, today i saw 2 kittens, who didn't have any fur... i think God has this thing on making me realize things i never wanted to know, or maybe he takes pleasure in my revelations....

the kittens were weird...they were pink and not furry...the weirder thing was they were of competent size and were almost healthy...only they were pink...and not furry...

anyway, nothing to complain about. thanks for the unique-but-rather-not-see-it-ever-again experience GOD! :)


At 9:28 PM, August 08, 2005, Blogger ayane_sendo said...

if you want to be more useful...
(i am picking up on our earlier conversation in the dark twilight zone portion of our *long* walk home.) stop dissing the kitty kitty meow meows. i mean it in general. kitty kitty meow meows cute. ask joie.


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