Thursday, September 14, 2006

error 999: unable to process request at this time

the words we speak become the bases of other people's perceptions about us. We really should be careful what we say and why we say things. People end up getting hurt, confused, misled, disappointed, etc. I really didn't have the authority to lecture her, and I was no better than she was, but I still did anyway. Was I trying to make her realize her mistakes by giving her a dose of her medicine? Or was I just being "superior", turning myself into the ultimate saint who has the power to change things for everyone in a way which I think is better? Was it for her or for me? Is it even worth thinking about. Maybe I just wanted to put something before I placed the nonesense i would put below. :)

Auditing Class, Pete and Raymond after an arguement, I was in the middle.

Ray: Ano ba gusto mo....halik o kiss.
Pete: Sex

*yan ang problema sayo Pete*

Sunday, September 10, 2006

of residence, ideas, and my favorite TLA

The Yakal Residence Hall Association, a wannabe organization where the Yakal residents became members, whether they wanted to or not, upon the brilliance of the Yakal House Council, led by our ever-charismatic and beloved president, Junjie something-family-name-that-begins-with-the-letter-C-I-think, decided to hold a special contest for this semseter's open house. The residents are priviledged to sell three twenty-peso tickets to three people who will have a chance to win a residence in Yakal Residence Hall. Yes, even residence has become part of a gamble, and yes, the House Council has thought of a minimal-cost way of making money for their projects. Cash prize and other consolation prizes are there, but the main price is something that I or any other Yakal resident, can never enjoy any further, so that scratches out my paying the tickets for the remote chance to win to something like my paying for the tickets for absolutely nothing. sweet.

The contest gist is 20 random boys and girls (forgot if that was each or total) gets to be interviewed by the council for their appropriateness to become a resident in Yakal, they then have to oblige to rules, get to do stuff, cut each other down, until only one male and one female remains. These two win a reservation for Yakal residency for the next semester, after signing a contract of all priviledges (and responsibilities) a Yakal resident receives. What happens to the other eighteen? They can probably re-apply the next semester anyway. People entitled to purchase the ticket and join the contest are non-Metro Manila residents (scratch out most of my friends) and people who have never enjoyed a single day of Yakal Residency in their entire lives. It does make sense to restrict the contestants, this way a person living in Manila will never be a Yakal dormer since he lives too close by, there should be three times the number of Yakal residents who would like to be a Yakalite in the future, despite the fact that they already have dorms, boarding houses, or far away homes to go home to anyway. And of course, there is such a big difference to win a contest via a lottery and an interview than to do the typical application for Yakal residency. I mean getting into Yakal the normal way is like winning a lottery!

anyway, WTF...I must really love the Yakal House Council to put so much sense in my previous two paragraphs.

Random thoughts:
- Outstanding actually means "nakatayo pa siya sa labas, kaya hindi pa siya nakakapasok" like in outstanding checks, outstanding deposits, etc.
- You can never divide a pie into three equal pieces unless its area is divisible by three.
- If an imaginary number is not real, why bother thinking about it?
- If a guy sniffs a girl's underwear, he is a pervert. If a girl sniffs a guy's underwear, she is plain sick.
- If the only certain thing about the future is uncertainty, how can you be certain that "the only certain thing about the future is uncertainty" when "the only thing about the future is uncertainty" in not uncertain?
- If I say everything is meaningless, did I mean anything?
- Quotes are funny, the very people who need them the most can't understand them. I think the best quotes do not use smart language because that way even dumb people can understand them.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

the post intended to make you load this page faster in a dial-up connection

Today, I had over 5 hrs of sleep for the first time since Sunday. It's sad to think that the reason for my restless nights aren't my acads, but plain insomia. Apparently my decision to sleep at 4am and wake up at 2pm during weekends broke my biological clock, and the need to wake up earlier than 8am these past couple of days cut my sleep to an average of 2andahalf hrs. And, to whom it may concern, my apparent "you look more down than usual" is probably due to lack of sleep (and food, i've lost of my appetite most of this sem because of my poor(er) exercise and feeding schedules)


"OK lang yan, that's life," she says.
"Do you even remember what happened to you a month ago," I think.

JPIA slave number one is completely useless, he skipped 2 of the damn hellweek days. JPIA slave number two is much more entertaining, she lacks motivation, but at least she tries to do most of the wishes i ask her.

My "boss" is too technically incompetent (and he dares to put proficient in Adobe Photoshop and Adobe (Formerly Macromedia) Flash in his resume. POWERPOINT LANG YAN! MAHIYA KA NGA! Tangina sumayaw ka na lang sa BACBACAN at isulat mo yan sa p*t*ng *n*ng resume mo!

And on the time when i need, more than any other time, in my life (even more than my 114) to review, i get a headache, a frustration, and a need to rant.

Tomorrow is S.E.Men Day! Free Lunch! :)

Sunday, September 03, 2006

history repeats itself

it's almost laughable. HAHAHA!

except for the fact that my insensitivity has reached a peak level in such a way that i do not care anymore and the fact that my academics is hell, i'm living a life similar to the life i have been living in my first year of college. :) it's funny, all the little memories that i've forgotten just popped out and the gap in between was filled.

so, what the hell, i just proved myself more right than ever all over again. i almost feel like a true genius...or a psychic. (now if only my grades would show some genius or psychic powers)

well, at least everything is easier the second time around. :)

*sigh* contentment. I'm really starting to like being me.