Monday, February 27, 2006


...annoyed... no better adjective describes the feeling i have right now...

...maybe it's because he smiles...maybe because he acts close...maybe because he seems so old-fashioned...maybe because he thinks tucked in shirts and cleanly combed hair is cool... maybe because he poses on every table he can find...maybe because his eyes squint whenever he is "entertained"... maybe because he is ordering me around after being inactive in something else... maybe it's the way he talks... maybe because he merely exists and the devil inside me hates his every gut. whenever he's around, i feel like i have horns on my head, bat wings on my back, and a fork for a hand ornament.

am i supposed to be consumed by his burning enthusiasm for the committee? am i supposed to smile when he cracks a joke at me?

nope... all i have to do is get annoyed, and at least take the effort "not" to show that i am annoyed...

if a guy in Yakal dies of spontaneous combustion, his death would not have been too "spontaneous", i'd have found a way to kill him without anybody noticing that I did it.



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