Saturday, July 29, 2006


today, i learned several virtues that one must have in today's society:

1. humility: know your place and if you know you cannot move a hill, don't even try moving a mountain.

2. patience: if you have to wait, you'll simply have to wait. getting stressed out about it will just make your life shorter and make the wait relatively longer.

3. contentment: be happy with what you have, you probably don't deserve anything higher anyway.

4. practicality: simply put, it's not worth it.

5. flexibility: it's nice to be able to find a glimmer of something to be happy about when you know that your life is already too f*ck*d up. and it's even better to comfort yourself with the thought that things can still work out well even if they already haven't.

...and to think that my floormates uber-slow PC taught me all this... (that useless piece of sh*t PC made me feel better by proving that there are so many things that are in much worse shape than I am)... long as someone is lower than you are, falling won't hurt so much. hehe


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