Saturday, July 29, 2006


today, i learned several virtues that one must have in today's society:

1. humility: know your place and if you know you cannot move a hill, don't even try moving a mountain.

2. patience: if you have to wait, you'll simply have to wait. getting stressed out about it will just make your life shorter and make the wait relatively longer.

3. contentment: be happy with what you have, you probably don't deserve anything higher anyway.

4. practicality: simply put, it's not worth it.

5. flexibility: it's nice to be able to find a glimmer of something to be happy about when you know that your life is already too f*ck*d up. and it's even better to comfort yourself with the thought that things can still work out well even if they already haven't.

...and to think that my floormates uber-slow PC taught me all this... (that useless piece of sh*t PC made me feel better by proving that there are so many things that are in much worse shape than I am)... long as someone is lower than you are, falling won't hurt so much. hehe

Saturday, July 22, 2006

403 the span of one night's sleep, UP Computer Center expanded it's banned websites list with net humor sites i visit. (damn they work fast)... with the pending price increase on dorm fees and the increasing limit to the sites we can access, i am reallt considering getting rid of this net connection or moving to a condo unit (at least may aircon, pareho lang babayaran ko)...

Friday, July 21, 2006

Kill Some Time

Apparently, someone found "too much" time in his hands and decided to torture dial-up users. I need a life...

images careof and

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Opposite Ends

reality...except for another who got sick and missed the first exam, I have become the lowest ranked student in our class... so this is what it feels to be looking up to everyone...

...the only person who doesn't have an excuse...

...the only one who deserves to fail...

...i deserve this sh*t...

umasa pa naman din ako