doubts and stuff (dear reader, you won't understand anything)
tried to study law and do an accounting assignment today. Progress: 68 pages, 1/3 problems, over 48 hours to do it, around 12 remaining, half reserved for sleep. maybe i just want to quit studying...or maybe i just want a break (don't want to be a slacker all my life, but i can't handle this much stress for too long)
on the other side...more stress and doubts... people are simply too inconsistent, and it's starting to get to me. A will never be B, so what right does C have to become D.
interviewed three applicants yesterday (blogging about it now)... wasn't able to make any of them cry (despite significant effort on the second). They were tougher than i thought. :) and they memorize good. All three did good objectively, passed situationally and subjectively.
she was weird yesterday...
passed by yakal lobby around 6 times today, she wasn't there... *sigh* angels... maybe if things were just a little different... maybe some people belong to too distant worlds.
memory of the day: "You will never reach an angel"
on the ligher side, there will always be fish. :)
i'd stick with the fish, vincent. angels, if you do your research, are neuter sexless formless shapeless beings. with pale feet. ever watch constantine, man?
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